
Top 10 Highlights of My Hall of Fame Baseball Career, by Jim Rice and Rickey Henderson (as seen on David Letterman)

"Winning the MVP in 1978, and a Tony in 1983"(Jim Rice)
"I designed the first vibrating jockstrap"(Rickey Henderson)
"During the 1981 season I lost my glove and played an entire west coast trip using a small box"(Jim Rice)
"All the free gum"(Rickey Henderson)
"I caught a squirrel in the outfield and the umps let me eat it"(Jim Rice)
"Being a Met, a Blue Jay, a Padre, a Dodger...Hell, even I can't remember all the teams I played for"(Rickey Henderson)
"Before every game, I ate the same meal: pancakes smothered in pine tar"(Jim Rice)
"Sleeping with Madonna"(Rickey Henderson)
"Sleeping with Madonna"(Jim Rice)
"I played with Jose Canseco and never got to inject anything in his ass"(Rickey Henderson)

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